Encontré que necesito un CGI Perl que se llama FormMail.pl.
He colocado mis datos según el manual; tenía errores y al parecer todo está bien. El problema es que no recibo ningún mensaje a mi correo como si no funcionara el CGI... Alguien me puede ayudar.
Este es mi archivo .pl
Using perl Syntax Highlighting
Define Variables #
# Detailed Information Found In README File. #
# $mailprog defines the location of your sendmail program on your unix #
# system. The flags -i and -t should be passed to sendmail in order to #
# have it ignore single dots on a line and to read message for recipients #
$mailprog = '/usr/lib/sendmail -i -t';
# @referers allows forms to be located only on servers which are defined #
# in this field. This security fix from the last version which allowed #
# anyone on any server to use your FormMail script on their web site. #
@referers = ('dominio.com.mx','');
# @recipients defines the e-mail addresses or domain names that e-mail can #
# be sent to. This must be filled in correctly to prevent SPAM and allow #
# valid addresses to receive e-mail. Read the documentation to find out how #
# this variable works!!! It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. #
@recipients = ('dominio.com.mx','[email protected]');
# ACCESS CONTROL FIX: Peter D. Thompson Yezek #
# @valid_ENV allows the sysadmin to define what environment variables can #
# be reported via the env_report directive. This was implemented to fix #
# the problem reported at http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/1187 #
# Done
# Detailed Information Found In README File. #
# $mailprog defines the location of your sendmail program on your unix #
# system. The flags -i and -t should be passed to sendmail in order to #
# have it ignore single dots on a line and to read message for recipients #
$mailprog = '/usr/lib/sendmail -i -t';
# @referers allows forms to be located only on servers which are defined #
# in this field. This security fix from the last version which allowed #
# anyone on any server to use your FormMail script on their web site. #
@referers = ('dominio.com.mx','');
# @recipients defines the e-mail addresses or domain names that e-mail can #
# be sent to. This must be filled in correctly to prevent SPAM and allow #
# valid addresses to receive e-mail. Read the documentation to find out how #
# this variable works!!! It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. #
@recipients = ('dominio.com.mx','[email protected]');
# ACCESS CONTROL FIX: Peter D. Thompson Yezek #
# @valid_ENV allows the sysadmin to define what environment variables can #
# be reported via the env_report directive. This was implemented to fix #
# the problem reported at http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/1187 #
# Done
Coloreado en 0.008 segundos, usando GeSHi
Espero que esto les sirva para que me puedan ayudar...