package Games::ConnectFour;
our $VERSION = 0.012;
use strict;
use warnings;
if ( $^O eq "MSWin32" ) {
system "color 07";
require Win32::Console::ANSI;
use IO::Socket;
our %c = (
d => "\e[0;37;40m",
b => "\e[1;34;40m",
0 => "\e[1;31;40m",
1 => "\e[1;33;40m",
w0 => "\e[0;30;41m",
w1 => "\e[0;30;43m",
save => "\e[s",
restore => "\e[u",
clear => "\e[0J",
sub input {
my ( $message, $default, @accepted ) = @_;
print $message;
while (1) {
( my $in = <STDIN> ) =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
return $in if grep $in eq $_, @accepted or @accepted == 0;
return $default if $in eq "" and defined $default;
print "$c{d}Por favor introduce uno de los siguientes: ", join( ", ", @accepted ), ". ";
sub init {
print "\n$c{d}Bienvenido al 4 en Linea!\n";
print "Control-C para salir.\n\n";
while (1) {
my $play = input(
"[1]: Jugar en la PC
2 : Internet play
3 : localhost ( play
4 : Local play
", 1, 1 .. 4
my $c_number;
my $g_number;
my $server;
my $player;
my ( $connect, $w, $h );
if ( $play > 1 ) {
my $host = "nitrogen.mine.nu";
my $port = 1262;
$host = "localhost" if $play == 3;
if ( $play == 4 ) {
$host = input("Enter host address: ");
$server->autoflush(1); # so output gets there right away
chomp( $c_number = <$server> );
print "Connected to $host on $port as client number $c_number.\n";
chomp( $player = <$server> );
chomp( $g_number = <$server> );
print "Joined game number $g_number.\n";
if ( $player == 1 ) {
print "Awaiting another player...\n";
else {
print "Waiting for player 1 to set game settings...\n";
( $connect, $w, $h ) = split " ", <$server>;
print "Settings are: connect:$connect; width:$w; height:$h.\n";
if ( !$server or $player == 1 ) {
$connect = input( "How many do you want to connect (3, [4], 5, 6)? ", 4, 3 .. 6 );
( $w, $h )
= @{ ( [ 7, 6 ], [ 8, 7 ], [ 9, 7 ] )
[ input( "What size board do you want ([1], 2, 3, 4)? ", 1, 1 .. 4 ) - 1 ] };
print $server join( " ", $connect, $w, $h ), "\n" if $server;
my $turn = 0;
my @board = ( map [ (" ") x $w ], 1 .. $h );
print "\n$c{b}";
print "|", join( "|", @$_ ), "|\n" for @board;
print "-" x ( $w * 2 + 1 ), "\n";
print " ", join( " ", 1 .. $w ), "\n\n\n\e[1A";
while (1) {
my $in;
if ( !fork ) {
print "$c{$turn}Jugador " . ( $turn + 1 ) . ", Elija columna: ";
else {
print $c{save};
while (1) {
if ( !$server or $player - 1 == $turn ) {
( $in = <STDIN> ) =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
print "$c{restore}$c{clear}";
if ( grep $in eq $_, 1 .. $w and $board[0][ --$in ] eq " " ) {
print $server $in, "\n" if $server;
else {
#play error sound
else {
chomp( $in = scalar <$server> );
my $up = $h + 4 . "A";
my $right = 1 + $in * 2 . "C";
print "\r\e[$up\e[$right";
my $row = -1;
do {
if (fork) {
select undef, undef, undef, 0.04;
else {
print " \b";
print "\e[1B";
print "o\b";
} while $row + 1 < $h and $board[ $row + 1 ][$in] eq " ";
$board[$row][$in] = $turn;
print "$c{restore}\r";
my @all;
for ( [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 1 ], [ -1, 1 ] ) {
my ( $xdir, $ydir ) = @$_;
my @mine = [ $in, $row ];
for ( 1, -1 ) {
my ( $x, $y ) = ( $in, $row );
while ( ( $x -= $xdir * $_ ) >= 0
and $x < $w
and ( $y -= $ydir * $_ ) >= 0
and $y < $h
and $board[$y][$x] eq $turn ) {
push @mine, [ $x, $y ];
push @all, @mine if @mine >= $connect;
if (@all) {
for (@all) {
my ( $x, $y ) = @$_;
my $up = $h - $y + 3 . "A";
my $right = 1 + $x * 2 . "C";
print "\e[$up\e[$right";
print "$c{'w'.$turn}o$c{restore}\r";
print "$c{$turn}Player " . ( $turn + 1 ) . " wins!$c{clear}\n\n";
print $c{d};
print $server "end\n" if $server;
if ( not grep $_ eq " ", map @$_, @board ) {
print "$c{d}The game is a tie!$c{clear}\n\n";
$turn = ( 0, 1 )[ $turn - 1 ];