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Barcelona Perl & Friends 2019

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Barcelona Perl & Friends 2019

Notapor explorer » 2019-09-20 07:49 @367

A free one-day conference for Geeks and Friends

Once a year, the Barcelona Perl Mongers organizes the Perl & Friends Conference. Its main purpose is to gather people with common interests in a day packed of talks, not necessarily Perl related. In fact, we encourage people not familiar with Perl to come and explain us new things. In this conference, "Friends" is the relevant word.

You may expect a lot of different topics. It may seem that we lack focus sometimes, but that's the way we like it. In a single day we get to learn so many diferent things and perspectives that the only regret is not being able to attend to everything.

Some of our speakers are real experts in their fields and have given tons of talks already. But the event is also an excellent place for new speakers, who will find a supportive and warmth audience. One of the points is to get more people giving talks so we can all benefit from it. We try to find a place for everybody who has something to say.

Each speaker will decide the language of the talk because we want everybody to feel confortable on stage. Usually the talks are in English, Catalan or Spanish. You can ask (nicely) for another language if you're interested in the topic, but the speaker will always have the final word.

Whenever possible, we will have at least two tracks in parallel. This way nobody needs to stay in a talk just waiting for the next and it's easier for everybody to find interesting topics all the time.

We're the Perl Community. We want to share with you our ideas and innovations and want to see yours, no matter what technology you use, what gender you are or where you're from. You will be welcome.

JF^D Perl programming & Raku programming. Grupo en Telegram: https://t.me/Perl_ES
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