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bioinfo: Curso API de Ensembl

Aprende Perl

bioinfo: Curso API de Ensembl

Notapor explorer » 2011-04-24 08:57 @414

«Miguel Pérez-Enciso organiza el siguiente curso en el CRAG, más detalles más adelante. Lo darán dos personas del EBI. Se requiere conocimientos sólidos de Perl. Máximo 20 personas.

"Ensembl uses MySQL relational databases to store its information. A comprehensive set of Application Programme Interfaces (APIs) serve as a middle-layer between underlying database schemes and more specific application programmes. The APIs aim to encapsulate the database layout by providing efficient high-level access to data tables and isolate applications from data layout changes.


The workshop covers the following four databases and APIs. For each of them the database schema and the API design as well as its most important objects and their methods will be presented. This will be followed bypractical sessions in which the participants can put the learned into practice by writing their own Perl scripts.


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