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Developing games with Perl and SDL

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Developing games with Perl and SDL

Notapor explorer » 2011-12-29 13:28 @603

«What is SDL_perl?

SDL_Perl is a perl interface to the Simple DirectMedia Library. It is composed of a both a XS wrapper to the SDL libraries and a series of Perl modules that export SDL functionality in an object-oriented fashion.

One of the biggest benefits of using SDL is that it allows portable media applications to be written without having to be concerned with specific implmentations of media libraries for each target platform. Bringing Perl into the picture takes the portability one step further, allowing media-rich applications to be written in a high-level language that can be targeted to a number of platforms. While programming using SDL requires knowledge of C and access to a C compiler, using SDL_perl does not. This greatly decreases the amount of time it takes to get something up on the screen and working.

Using SDL does not require relatively heavyweight graphical environments and libraries, like GNOME or KDE. Programming using SDL could be considered a little more bare-bones and "to the metal" than using a full-fledged GUI toolkit. There are no built in widgets or controls, but rather a plain drawing canvas and multimedia functionality. But it does provide a lot of room for tinkering and general hacking. While it may take a few more lines of code to create a simple GUI widget like a button, you are in no way restricted to what the toolkit designers consider to be the best way to have something work, look, or function. You may find that many tasks that programming games or captive graphical user interfaces require are easier and more straight forward with SDL_perl than using a GUI toolkit.

Using SDL_perl will give you some insight into the SDL library, but because SDL_perl tries to encapulate and group much of the SDL API into a series of objects and do things in a more object-oriented perl-ish fashion, it is not a one-to-one mapping. You don't need to know how SDL works or how to use it in C in order to use SDL_perl, but it does have some of its own idiosyncrasies.»

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JF^D Perl programming & Raku programming. Grupo en Telegram: https://t.me/Perl_ES
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