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Nuevos precios de la certificación Perl en O'Reilly

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Nuevos precios de la certificación Perl en O'Reilly

Notapor explorer » 2010-11-22 13:07 @588

Cuatro cursos, a 398$ cada uno, con un descuento del 25% si se contratan los cuatro cursos.

Perl 1: Introduction to Perl

* Perl 1 Lab 1 -- Introduction
o What is Perl?
o Lesson Format
o Making and Running a Perl Program
o perldoc -f

* Perl 1 Lab 2 -- Scalars and Arithmetic in Perl
o Perl's Operators
o Scalar Variables
o Naming Conventions

* Perl 1 Lab 3 -- Conditional Statements in Perl
o Perl's if Statement
o What is Truth?

* Perl 1 Lab 4 -- Interpolation
o Double-Quoted Strings
o Single-Quoted Strings
o Interpolate Now... Or Later?

* Perl 1 Lab 5 -- Strings and String Conditionals
o String Conditions
o String Functions and Operators

* Perl 1 Lab 6 -- Lists and List Functions
o Lists
o split()
o join()

* Perl 1 Lab 7 -- Arrays and Array Functions
o Arrays
o Array Functions
o Individual Array Elements

* Perl 1 Lab 8 -- Your First Loop Statement
o While Loops
o Until Loops
o Loop control statements

* Perl 1 Lab 9 -- Formatted Printing and More Looping
o Formatted Printing
o printf()
o foreach Loops
o The .. Range Operator

* Perl 1 Lab 10 -- Perl's Contextual Behavior
o Context
o Scalar and List Context

* Perl 1 Lab 11 -- Creating Reusable Code
o Subroutines

* Perl 1 Lab 12 -- Data Mapping with Hashes
o Beginning with Hashes
o Hash Initialization
o Iterating through Hashes
o Miscellaneous Hash Functions
o Uses for Hashes

* Perl 1 Lab 13 -- Basic Unix Commands and Emacs
o Listing Files
o Directories
o Copying and Removing Files
o Emacs

* Perl 1 Lab 14 -- Aggregates and Subroutines
o Command Line Arguments
o Passing Arrays to and from Subroutines
o Passing Hashes to and from Subroutines

* Perl 1 Lab 15 -- Sorting
o sort()
o Custom Sorting Orders
o Integrated Example

* Perl 1 Lab 16 -- Reading External Files
o Input with Perl's <> Operator
o chomp()
o Operation of <> in Scalar Context
o Operation of <> in List Context

Perl 2: Intermediate Perl

# Perl 2 Lab 1 -- Intermediate Perl

* Getting Started
* Postfixed Modifiers
* Naked Blocks

# Perl 2 Lab 2 -- Opening Filehandles

* Yet Another Conditional
* open()
* Reading from filehandles
* open() modes

# Perl 2 Lab 3 -- Perl's Default Variable

* The Wonderful World of $_
* More Postfixed Modifiers

# Perl 2 Lab 4 -- Regular Expressions

* Introduction to Regular Expressions
* Literal Matching
* Structure and Execution of Regular Expressions
* The /i Modifier
* More Regex Examples

# Perl 2 Lab 5 -- Regular Expressions: Character Classes

* Substitution in Character Classes
* Character Class Shortcuts
* Substitution

# Perl 2 Lab 6 -- Regular Expressions: Quantifiers

* Regular Expressions: Quantifiers
* Regex Crafting
* Food for Thought

# Perl 2 Lab 7 -- Regular Expressions: Anchors and Captures

* Anchors
* Captures

# Perl 2 Lab 8 -- Grouping, Alternation, and Complete Parsing

* $_ and regexes
* Groups
* Alternation
* Complete Parsing

# Perl 2 Lab 9 -- Introduction to One-Liners

* Perl at the Command Line
* The -e Flag
* The -n Flag
* BEGIN and END blocks

# Perl 2 Lab 10 -- Substitution; More One-Liners

* Substitution
* Substitution in One-liners
* The -p Flag
* The -i Flag

# Perl 2 Lab 11 -- More perl Flags; More Perl Operators

* The -w Flag
* The -Mstrict Flag
* The -c Flag
* The Trinary Operator
* The Scalar Range Operator

# Perl 2 Lab 12 -- More on Numbers and Strings; More on Regular Expressions; More on Hashes

* String and Number Literals
* Character Functions
* Number Functions
* split()
* Hashes: each()

# Perl 2 Lab 13 -- For Loops and More Miscellaneous Topics

* For Loops
* Loop Labels
* Unbuffered Output

# Perl 2 Lab 14 -- Directory Reading Functions

* opendir, readdir, closedir
* glob

# Perl 2 Lab 15 --More Math Functions and Course Wrap-Up

* More Math Functions
* crypt()
* Final Example Program

Perl 3: Advanced Perl

# Perl 3 Lesson 1 -- Prerequisites, Review, and Slices

* Introductions
* Prerequisites
* Review Topics
* Slices

# Perl 3 Lesson 2 -- Discovering Properties of Files

* File Test Operators
* The stat Function

# Perl 3 Lesson 3 -- Interacting With the System

* The Environment
* The system Command
* exec
* Backticks
* Piped Opens

# Perl 3 Lesson 4 -- Regular Expressions: Global Matches and More

* Global Matches
* Match and Substitution in Scalar Context
* Match and Substitution in List Context
* Global Matching: Scalar and List Contexts
* Global Substitution: Scalar and List Contexts
* Nongreedy Matching

# Perl 3 Lesson 5 -- grep() and map()

* grep()
* map()

# Perl 3 Lesson 6 -- Regular Expressions: More Match and Substitution Modifiers

* The /m Modifier
* The /s Modifier
* The /x Modifier
* The /e Modifier

# Perl 3 Lesson 7 -- References

* References to Scalars
* References to Arrays
* Anonymous References

# Perl 3 Lesson 8 -- Hash References and Dereferencing Syntax

* References to Named Hashes
* Data::Dumper
* References to Anonymous Hashes
* Dereferencing: The Two Rules

# Perl 3 Lesson 9 -- The Arrow Operator and Multidimensional Arrays

* The Arrow Operator
* Lists of Lists
* Multidimensional Arrays
* Multidimensional Syntax Optimization
* The Schwartzian Transform

# Perl 3 Lesson 10 -- Hashes of Hashes

* Representing Data with Hashes of Hashes
* Autovivification

# Perl 3 Lesson 11 -- Heterogeneous Data Structures

* Semi-Regular Data Structures
* Hashes of Arrays
* Irregular Data Structures
* Parse Trees
* The ref() Function
* References to Lists

# Perl 3 Lesson 12 -- References to Subroutines

* Coderefs
* Closures
* Miscellaneous Code Reference Notes

# Perl 3 Lesson 13 -- Exception Handling

* Throwing and Catching Exceptions
* $@
* %SIG
* Process Signals
* Pseudo-Signals

# Perl 3 Lesson 14 -- Processing Command-Line Options

* Option Processing in Perl
* Getopt::Std
* Option Clustering
* Getopt::Long

# Perl 3 Lesson 15 -- Final Wrap-Up

* Putting it All Together
* The Eight Queens Problem
* Congratulations!

Perl 4: Applied Perl

# Perl 4 Lesson 1 -- Review

* Perl's packages
* Package variables
* Namespaces for subroutines
* "locally", "our" keywords

# Perl 4 Lesson 2 -- Creating reusable libraries

* The "require" and "use" statements
* The @INC array for finding libraries

# Perl 4 Lesson 3 -- Object-oriented programming

* Method calls
* Creating objects
* The "bless" function

# Perl 4 Lesson 4 -- Higher-level O-O programming

* Inheritance
* Polymorphism
* Total information security with "inside-out objects"

# Perl 4 Lesson 5 -- The Moose O-O framework

* Rapid object class creation

# Perl 4 Lesson 6 -- Tied variables

* Scalars
* Arrays
* Hashes
* Tying hashes to a database with DB_File

# Perl 4 Lesson 7 -- Processing web page forms

* CGI.pm

# Perl 4 Lesson 8 -- Database programming

* Interacting with mySQL
* DBI.pm

# Perl 4 Lesson 9 -- Sending email

* Simple and rich mail formats
* The SMTP protocol
* Alternativesto the SMTP protocol

# Perl 4 Lesson 10 -- LWP and WWW::Mechanize

* Web page scraping
* Browser emulation

# Perl 4 Lesson 11 -- Parsing HTML

* Parsing HTML in scraped pages with HTML::Parse
* Automating web site interaction

# Perl 4 Lesson 12 -- Multiprocessing

* Starting subprocesses with "fork"
* Stopping subprocesses with "kill"
* Interprocess communication

# Perl 4 Lesson 13 -- Date and Time

* Date and time recognition with Date::Parse
* Date and time calculation
* Other processing with DateTime

# Perl 4 Lesson 14 -- CPAN.pm

* Installing third-party modules
* Managing third-party modules

# Perl 4 Lesson 15 -- Final Wrap-Up

* Putting it All Together
* Debugging running programs with the Perl debugger
* Congratulations!
JF^D Perl programming & Raku programming. Grupo en Telegram: https://t.me/Perl_ES
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Mensajes: 14486
Registrado: 2005-07-24 18:12 @800
Ubicación: Valladolid, España


Re: Nuevos precios de la certificación Perl en O'Reilly

Notapor explorer » 2010-11-22 17:24 @767

JF^D Perl programming & Raku programming. Grupo en Telegram: https://t.me/Perl_ES
Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 14486
Registrado: 2005-07-24 18:12 @800
Ubicación: Valladolid, España

Re: Nuevos precios de la certificación Perl en O'Reilly

Notapor Hector Gutierrez » 2011-04-25 18:46 @823

¿Los precios son en euros? Yo estoy en la Ciudad de México y me ha llamado mucho la atención este lenguaje. ¿Hay posibilidades de recibir pequeños ejemplos incrementales que me permitan entender Perl?
Hector Gutierrez
Perlero nuevo
Perlero nuevo
Mensajes: 37
Registrado: 2011-04-15 14:49 @659

Re: Nuevos precios de la certificación Perl en O'Reilly

Notapor explorer » 2011-04-25 19:00 @834

Son en dólares.

En cuanto a la formación incremental, tienes algunos manuales, libros, o incluso tutoriales, en esta misma web.

Supongo que habrás visto también el de Por dónde empezar.
JF^D Perl programming & Raku programming. Grupo en Telegram: https://t.me/Perl_ES
Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 14486
Registrado: 2005-07-24 18:12 @800
Ubicación: Valladolid, España

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