¿Alguien me puede decir cómo instalar los requisitos para usar dicho módulo gráfico? Según he leído piden:
*Perl 5.6.0
*GD >=1.19 (Aunque recomiendan 1.23)
*Perl 5.6.0
*GD >=1.19 (Aunque recomiendan 1.23)
[root@localhost Desktop]# cd GDGraph-1.44
[root@localhost GDGraph-1.44]# ls
CHANGES Dustismo_Sans.ttf Graph.pm MANIFEST README t
Dustismo.LICENSE Graph Makefile.PL META.yml samples
[root@localhost GDGraph-1.44]# perl Makefile.PL
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Warning: prerequisite GD 1.18 not found.
Warning: prerequisite GD::Text 0.80 not found.
Writing Makefile for GD::Graph
The automatic tests for GDGraph are not really a solid workout of the
library. The best way to test the package is to run the examples
before installing it. You can run the examples in the samples
directory with `make samples` or by going into that directory, and
just running `make`.
If that fails, please read samples/Makefile.
cpan GD::Graph
root@localhost Desktop]# yum search GD:Graph
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Searching Packages:
Setting up repositories
core [1/3]
updates [2/3]
extras [3/3]
Reading repository metadata in from local files
No Matches found
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