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Gournal: programa para tomar notas, hecho en Gtk-perl

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Gournal: programa para tomar notas, hecho en Gtk-perl

Notapor explorer » 2010-01-18 08:45 @406

«Gournal - A Note-taking Tablet Application for Linux

Gournal is a note-taking application written for usage on Tablet-PCs (such as the Toshiba M200)
It's designed for usage with a stylus, not a mouse or keyboard.
It does not have handwriting recognition but can be used in co-ordination with xstroke to accept text.
Gournal is written in perl using gtk2-perl so you will need gtk2-perl along with the gladexml and gnomecanvas modules of gtk2-perl.»

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JF^D Perl programming & Raku programming. Grupo en Telegram: https://t.me/Perl_ES
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