Me devano los sesos y no doy con el error. Este script convierte números a letras, me parece muy útil. El problema es que cuando el número decimal es igual o mayor que 0.50 devuelve el entero aumentado en uno.
Por ejemplo: 23.40 devuelve veintitrés y 40 (bien)
pero en 23.50 devuelve veinticuatro y 50 (error)
Les envió el script a ver si solucionan el error, les agradezco cualquier ayuda.
Using javascript Syntax Highlighting
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<script language="javascript">
// Función modulo, regresa el residuo de una división
function mod(dividendo , divisor)
resDiv = dividendo / divisor ;
parteEnt = Math.floor(resDiv); // Obtiene la parte Entera de resDiv
parteFrac = resDiv - parteEnt ; // Obtiene la parte Fraccionaria de la división
modulo = Math.round(parteFrac * divisor); // Regresa la parte fraccionaria * la división (modulo)
return modulo;
} // Fin de función mod
// Función ObtenerParteEntDiv, regresa la parte entera de una división
function ObtenerParteEntDiv(dividendo , divisor)
resDiv = dividendo / divisor ;
parteEntDiv = Math.floor(resDiv);
return parteEntDiv;
} // Fin de función ObtenerParteEntDiv
// function fraction_part, regresa la parte Fraccionaria de una cantidad
function fraction_part(dividendo , divisor)
resDiv = dividendo / divisor ;
f_part = Math.floor(resDiv);
return f_part;
} // Fin de función fraction_part
// function string_literal conversion is the core of this program
// converts numbers to spanish strings, handling the general special
// cases in spanish language.
function string_literal_conversion(number)
// first, divide your number in hundreds, tens and units, cascadig
// trough subsequent divisions, using the modulus of each division
// for the next.
centenas = ObtenerParteEntDiv(number, 100);
number = mod(number, 100);
decenas = ObtenerParteEntDiv(number, 10);
number = mod(number, 10);
unidades = ObtenerParteEntDiv(number, 1);
number = mod(number, 1);
// cascade trough hundreds. This will convert the hundreds part to
// their corresponding string in spanish.
if(centenas == 1){
string_hundreds = "ciento ";
if(centenas == 2){
string_hundreds = "doscientos ";
if(centenas == 3){
string_hundreds = "trescientos ";
if(centenas == 4){
string_hundreds = "cuatrocientos ";
if(centenas == 5){
string_hundreds = "quinientos ";
if(centenas == 6){
string_hundreds = "seiscientos ";
if(centenas == 7){
string_hundreds = "setecientos ";
if(centenas == 8){
string_hundreds = "ochocientos ";
if(centenas == 9){
string_hundreds = "novecientos ";
// end switch hundreds
// casgade trough tens. This will convert the tens part to corresponding
// strings in spanish. Note, however that the strings between 11 and 19
// are all special cases. Also 21-29 is a special case in spanish.
if(decenas == 1){
//Special case, depends on units for each conversion
if(unidades == 1){
string_tens = "once";
if(unidades == 2){
string_tens = "doce";
if(unidades == 3){
string_tens = "trece";
if(unidades == 4){
string_tens = "catorce";
if(unidades == 5){
string_tens = "quince";
if(unidades == 6){
string_tens = "dieciseis";
if(unidades == 7){
string_tens = "diecisiete";
if(unidades == 8){
string_tens = "dieciocho";
if(unidades == 9){
string_tens = "diecinueve";
//alert("STRING_TENS ="+string_tens);
if(decenas == 2){
string_tens = "veinti";
if(decenas == 3){
string_tens = "treinta";
if(decenas == 4){
string_tens = "cuarenta";
if(decenas == 5){
string_tens = "cincuenta";
if(decenas == 6){
string_tens = "sesenta";
if(decenas == 7){
string_tens = "setenta";
if(decenas == 8){
string_tens = "ochenta";
if(decenas == 9){
string_tens = "noventa";
// Fin de swicth decenas
// cascades trough units, This will convert the units part to corresponding
// strings in spanish. Note however that a check is being made to see wether
// the special cases 11-19 were used. In that case, the whole conversion of
// individual units is ignored since it was already made in the tens cascade.
if (decenas == 1)
string_units=""; // empties the units check, since it has alredy been handled on the tens switch
if(unidades == 1){
string_units = "un";
if(unidades == 2){
string_units = "dos";
if(unidades == 3){
string_units = "tres";
if(unidades == 4){
string_units = "cuatro";
if(unidades == 5){
string_units = "cinco";
if(unidades == 6){
string_units = "seis";
if(unidades == 7){
string_units = "siete";
if(unidades == 8){
string_units = "ocho";
if(unidades == 9){
string_units = "nueve";
// end switch units
} // end if-then-else
//final special cases. This conditions will handle the special cases which
//are not as general as the ones in the cascades. Basically four:
// when you've got 100, you dont' say 'ciento' you say 'cien'
// 'ciento' is used only for [101 >= number > 199]
if (centenas == 1 && decenas == 0 && unidades == 0)
string_hundreds = "cien " ;
// when you've got 10, you don't say any of the 11-19 special
// cases.. just say 'diez'
if (decenas == 1 && unidades ==0)
string_tens = "diez " ;
// when you've got 20, you don't say 'veinti', which is used
// only for [21 >= number > 29]
if (decenas == 2 && unidades ==0)
string_tens = "veinte " ;
// for numbers >= 30, you don't use a single word such as veintiuno
// (twenty one), you must add 'y' (and), and use two words. 31
// 'treinta y uno' (thirty and one)
if (decenas >=3 && unidades >=1)
string_tens = string_tens+" y ";
// this line gathers all the hundreds, tens and units into the final string
// and returns it as the function value.
final_string = string_hundreds+string_tens+string_units;
return final_string ;
} //end of function string_literal_conversion()================================
// handle some external special cases. Specially the millions, thousands
// and hundreds descriptors. Since the same rules apply to all number triads
// descriptions are handled outside the string conversion function, so it can
// be re used for each triad.
function covertirNumLetras(number)
//number = number_format (number, 2);
//settype (number, "integer");
cent = number1.split(".");
centavos = cent[1];
if (centavos == 0 || centavos == undefined){
centavos = "00";}
if (number == 0 || number == "")
{ // if amount = 0, then forget all about conversions,
centenas_final_string=" cero "; // amount is zero (cero). handle it externally, to
// function breakdown
millions = ObtenerParteEntDiv(number, 1000000); // first, send the millions to the string
number = mod(number, 1000000); // conversion function
if (millions != 0)
// This condition handles the plural case
if (millions == 1)
{ // if only 1, use 'millon' (million). if
descriptor= " millon "; // > than 1, use 'millones' (millions) as
{ // a descriptor for this triad.
descriptor = " millones ";
descriptor = " "; // if 0 million then use no descriptor.
millions_final_string = string_literal_conversion(millions)+descriptor;
thousands = ObtenerParteEntDiv(number, 1000); // now, send the thousands to the string
number = mod(number, 1000); // conversion function.
//print "Th:".thousands;
if (thousands != 1)
{ // This condition eliminates the descriptor
thousands_final_string =string_literal_conversion(thousands) + " mil ";
// descriptor = " mil "; // if there are no thousands on the amount
if (thousands == 1)
thousands_final_string = " mil ";
if (thousands < 1)
thousands_final_string = " ";
// this will handle numbers between 1 and 999 which
// need no descriptor whatsoever.
centenas = number;
centenas_final_string = string_literal_conversion(centenas) ;
} //end if (number ==0)
/*if (ereg("un",centenas_final_string))
centenas_final_string = ereg_replace("","o",centenas_final_string);
//finally, print the output.
/* Concatena los millones, miles y cientos*/
cad = millions_final_string+thousands_final_string+centenas_final_string;
/* Convierte la cadena a Mayúsculas*/
cad = cad.toUpperCase();
if (centavos.length>2)
if(centavos.substring(2,3)>= 5){
centavos = centavos.substring(0,1)+(parseInt(centavos.substring(1,2))+1).toString();
} else{
centavos = centavos.substring(0,2);
/* Concatena a los centavos la cadena "/100" */
if (centavos.length==1)
centavos = centavos+"0";
centavos = centavos+ "/100";
/* Asigna el tipo de moneda, para 1 = PESO, para distinto de 1 = PESOS*/
if (number == 1)
moneda = " PESO ";
moneda = " PESOS ";
/* Regresa el número en cadena entre paréntesis y con tipo de moneda y la fase M.N.*/
alert( "FINAL="+cad+moneda+centavos+" 00/100 M.N. )");
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script> covertirNumLetras("3.20");</script>
<html xmlns="">
<script language="javascript">
// Función modulo, regresa el residuo de una división
function mod(dividendo , divisor)
resDiv = dividendo / divisor ;
parteEnt = Math.floor(resDiv); // Obtiene la parte Entera de resDiv
parteFrac = resDiv - parteEnt ; // Obtiene la parte Fraccionaria de la división
modulo = Math.round(parteFrac * divisor); // Regresa la parte fraccionaria * la división (modulo)
return modulo;
} // Fin de función mod
// Función ObtenerParteEntDiv, regresa la parte entera de una división
function ObtenerParteEntDiv(dividendo , divisor)
resDiv = dividendo / divisor ;
parteEntDiv = Math.floor(resDiv);
return parteEntDiv;
} // Fin de función ObtenerParteEntDiv
// function fraction_part, regresa la parte Fraccionaria de una cantidad
function fraction_part(dividendo , divisor)
resDiv = dividendo / divisor ;
f_part = Math.floor(resDiv);
return f_part;
} // Fin de función fraction_part
// function string_literal conversion is the core of this program
// converts numbers to spanish strings, handling the general special
// cases in spanish language.
function string_literal_conversion(number)
// first, divide your number in hundreds, tens and units, cascadig
// trough subsequent divisions, using the modulus of each division
// for the next.
centenas = ObtenerParteEntDiv(number, 100);
number = mod(number, 100);
decenas = ObtenerParteEntDiv(number, 10);
number = mod(number, 10);
unidades = ObtenerParteEntDiv(number, 1);
number = mod(number, 1);
// cascade trough hundreds. This will convert the hundreds part to
// their corresponding string in spanish.
if(centenas == 1){
string_hundreds = "ciento ";
if(centenas == 2){
string_hundreds = "doscientos ";
if(centenas == 3){
string_hundreds = "trescientos ";
if(centenas == 4){
string_hundreds = "cuatrocientos ";
if(centenas == 5){
string_hundreds = "quinientos ";
if(centenas == 6){
string_hundreds = "seiscientos ";
if(centenas == 7){
string_hundreds = "setecientos ";
if(centenas == 8){
string_hundreds = "ochocientos ";
if(centenas == 9){
string_hundreds = "novecientos ";
// end switch hundreds
// casgade trough tens. This will convert the tens part to corresponding
// strings in spanish. Note, however that the strings between 11 and 19
// are all special cases. Also 21-29 is a special case in spanish.
if(decenas == 1){
//Special case, depends on units for each conversion
if(unidades == 1){
string_tens = "once";
if(unidades == 2){
string_tens = "doce";
if(unidades == 3){
string_tens = "trece";
if(unidades == 4){
string_tens = "catorce";
if(unidades == 5){
string_tens = "quince";
if(unidades == 6){
string_tens = "dieciseis";
if(unidades == 7){
string_tens = "diecisiete";
if(unidades == 8){
string_tens = "dieciocho";
if(unidades == 9){
string_tens = "diecinueve";
//alert("STRING_TENS ="+string_tens);
if(decenas == 2){
string_tens = "veinti";
if(decenas == 3){
string_tens = "treinta";
if(decenas == 4){
string_tens = "cuarenta";
if(decenas == 5){
string_tens = "cincuenta";
if(decenas == 6){
string_tens = "sesenta";
if(decenas == 7){
string_tens = "setenta";
if(decenas == 8){
string_tens = "ochenta";
if(decenas == 9){
string_tens = "noventa";
// Fin de swicth decenas
// cascades trough units, This will convert the units part to corresponding
// strings in spanish. Note however that a check is being made to see wether
// the special cases 11-19 were used. In that case, the whole conversion of
// individual units is ignored since it was already made in the tens cascade.
if (decenas == 1)
string_units=""; // empties the units check, since it has alredy been handled on the tens switch
if(unidades == 1){
string_units = "un";
if(unidades == 2){
string_units = "dos";
if(unidades == 3){
string_units = "tres";
if(unidades == 4){
string_units = "cuatro";
if(unidades == 5){
string_units = "cinco";
if(unidades == 6){
string_units = "seis";
if(unidades == 7){
string_units = "siete";
if(unidades == 8){
string_units = "ocho";
if(unidades == 9){
string_units = "nueve";
// end switch units
} // end if-then-else
//final special cases. This conditions will handle the special cases which
//are not as general as the ones in the cascades. Basically four:
// when you've got 100, you dont' say 'ciento' you say 'cien'
// 'ciento' is used only for [101 >= number > 199]
if (centenas == 1 && decenas == 0 && unidades == 0)
string_hundreds = "cien " ;
// when you've got 10, you don't say any of the 11-19 special
// cases.. just say 'diez'
if (decenas == 1 && unidades ==0)
string_tens = "diez " ;
// when you've got 20, you don't say 'veinti', which is used
// only for [21 >= number > 29]
if (decenas == 2 && unidades ==0)
string_tens = "veinte " ;
// for numbers >= 30, you don't use a single word such as veintiuno
// (twenty one), you must add 'y' (and), and use two words. 31
// 'treinta y uno' (thirty and one)
if (decenas >=3 && unidades >=1)
string_tens = string_tens+" y ";
// this line gathers all the hundreds, tens and units into the final string
// and returns it as the function value.
final_string = string_hundreds+string_tens+string_units;
return final_string ;
} //end of function string_literal_conversion()================================
// handle some external special cases. Specially the millions, thousands
// and hundreds descriptors. Since the same rules apply to all number triads
// descriptions are handled outside the string conversion function, so it can
// be re used for each triad.
function covertirNumLetras(number)
//number = number_format (number, 2);
//settype (number, "integer");
cent = number1.split(".");
centavos = cent[1];
if (centavos == 0 || centavos == undefined){
centavos = "00";}
if (number == 0 || number == "")
{ // if amount = 0, then forget all about conversions,
centenas_final_string=" cero "; // amount is zero (cero). handle it externally, to
// function breakdown
millions = ObtenerParteEntDiv(number, 1000000); // first, send the millions to the string
number = mod(number, 1000000); // conversion function
if (millions != 0)
// This condition handles the plural case
if (millions == 1)
{ // if only 1, use 'millon' (million). if
descriptor= " millon "; // > than 1, use 'millones' (millions) as
{ // a descriptor for this triad.
descriptor = " millones ";
descriptor = " "; // if 0 million then use no descriptor.
millions_final_string = string_literal_conversion(millions)+descriptor;
thousands = ObtenerParteEntDiv(number, 1000); // now, send the thousands to the string
number = mod(number, 1000); // conversion function.
//print "Th:".thousands;
if (thousands != 1)
{ // This condition eliminates the descriptor
thousands_final_string =string_literal_conversion(thousands) + " mil ";
// descriptor = " mil "; // if there are no thousands on the amount
if (thousands == 1)
thousands_final_string = " mil ";
if (thousands < 1)
thousands_final_string = " ";
// this will handle numbers between 1 and 999 which
// need no descriptor whatsoever.
centenas = number;
centenas_final_string = string_literal_conversion(centenas) ;
} //end if (number ==0)
/*if (ereg("un",centenas_final_string))
centenas_final_string = ereg_replace("","o",centenas_final_string);
//finally, print the output.
/* Concatena los millones, miles y cientos*/
cad = millions_final_string+thousands_final_string+centenas_final_string;
/* Convierte la cadena a Mayúsculas*/
cad = cad.toUpperCase();
if (centavos.length>2)
if(centavos.substring(2,3)>= 5){
centavos = centavos.substring(0,1)+(parseInt(centavos.substring(1,2))+1).toString();
} else{
centavos = centavos.substring(0,2);
/* Concatena a los centavos la cadena "/100" */
if (centavos.length==1)
centavos = centavos+"0";
centavos = centavos+ "/100";
/* Asigna el tipo de moneda, para 1 = PESO, para distinto de 1 = PESOS*/
if (number == 1)
moneda = " PESO ";
moneda = " PESOS ";
/* Regresa el número en cadena entre paréntesis y con tipo de moneda y la fase M.N.*/
alert( "FINAL="+cad+moneda+centavos+" 00/100 M.N. )");
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script> covertirNumLetras("3.20");</script>
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