Using perl Syntax Highlighting
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- # Paul
- #use strict;
- use Text::Iconv;
- my $convertor = Text::Iconv -> new("utf-8", "windows-1251");
- use lib "Spreadsheet-XLSX-0.13/lib/";
- #use lib "Spreadsheet-XLSX-0.13_updated/lib/";
- use Spreadsheet::XLSX;
- sub dump_sheet($) {
- my $Path = $_[0];
- print "Dumping workbook '$Path'\n";
- my $oBook = Spreadsheet::XLSX -> new($Path, $convertor);
- foreach my $sheet (@{$oBook -> {Worksheet}}) {
- printf(" Dumping sheet %s\n", $sheet->{Name});
- $sheet -> {MaxRow} ||= $sheet -> {MinRow};
- foreach my $row ($sheet -> {MinRow} .. $sheet -> {MaxRow}) {
- $sheet -> {MaxCol} ||= $sheet -> {MinCol};
- foreach my $col ($sheet -> {MinCol} .. $sheet -> {MaxCol}) {
- my $cell = $sheet -> {Cells} [$row] [$col];
- if ($cell) {
- printf(" (%s,%s) => %s\n", $row, $col, $cell -> {Val});
- }
- }
- }
- print " End of sheet\n";
- }
- print "End of workbook '$Path'\n";
- }
- my @PathList;
- # Use names on command line, or built-in test cases
- if ($#ARGV != -1) {
- @PathList = @ARGV;
- }
- else {
- @PathList = (
- "test.xlsx",
- "Settlement_20120531.xlsx",
- "207Settlement-2012-06-12.xlsx",
- );
- }
- foreach my $Path (@PathList) {
- dump_sheet($Path);
- }
Coloreado en 0.007 segundos, usando GeSHi
Lo llamas así: dumpxlsx archivo.xlsx
Si no te funciona, al final de la página donde encontré este programa hay una versión parcheada del módulo de hace un mes.