El script recibe la dirección del remitente en $ARGV[0], el número de teléfono como $ARGV[1] y el cuerpo del mensaje en STDIN.
Sólo debemos recibir un mensaje por usuario, luego envía el cuerpo del mensaje al dæmon gnokii-smsd para su envío por sms.
El inconveniente que tengo es que al recibir el correo formateado en HTML, envía "Basurita" al sms. Sin embargo, sí funciona cuando se envía el mensaje sin formato de texto.
Me gustaría que pudieran ayudarme a entender el código para realizar las modificaciones adecuadas. También me gustaría saber si se puede activar el log que parece traer, no me refiero al syslog. Muchísimas gracias.
Adjunto el script.
Using perl Syntax Highlighting
- #!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
- #
- # sms transport for postfix
- # uses gnokii for delivery
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Jeremy Laidman, AnswerZ
- # Version 1.0 - March 2003
- #
- # Installation into postfix:
- #
- # 1) Copy this script into /usr/local/sbin/sms-transport.
- #
- # 2) Create the user "sms" with their own group "sms", eg:
- # useradd -r sms -c "SMS Delivery User for Postfix"
- #
- # 3) Add these lines
- # /etc/postfix/transport:
- # sms sms:localhost
- #
- # /etc/postfix/master.cf
- # sms unix - n n - 1 pipe
- # flags= user=sms:uucp argv=/usr/local/sbin/sms-transport $sender $user
- # Note that the group "uucp" needs to match the group that owns
- # the serial device configured by /etc/gnokii.conf, eg /dev/ttyS0.
- #
- # 4) Add "sms" to mynetworks parameter in main.cf, eg:
- # mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, sms
- #
- # 5) Run "postfix reload".
- #
- # 6) Send mail to [email protected]
- #
- # 7) Create alias entries mapping usernames to numbers
- # /etc/postfix/aliases
- # freddy: [email protected]
- #
- # <img src="http://perlenespanol.com/foro/images/smilies/icon_cool.gif" alt="8)" title="Cool" /> Run "newaliases".
- #
- # 9) Send mail to freddy.
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Configuration Options Here (will be in config file one day)
- # if non-empty, will reject messages not from matching addresses
- # a leading dot means any subdomain
- # if empty, allows from anyone
- # if non-mepty there's an implicit '' => 'deny'
- $senders_file = "/usr/local/etc/sms-transport.senders";
- $msgdel_file = "/usr/local/etc/sms-transport.msgdel";
- $gnokii_path = "/usr/local/bin/gnokii";
- #$gnokii_path="/usr/bin/gnokii-test";
- $maxsmschars = 158; # 160 seems to cause some problems
- $debug = 0;
- my %sender_addresses;
- my @msgdel;
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------
- # We receive the sender address as @ARGV[0], the number as @ARGV[1]
- # and the message body on STDIN. We should only receive one message
- # per user.
- #
- # All headers are stripped and only the body is sent.
- #
- # Any recipients in the wrong format are bounced with EX_NOUSER=67.
- # Errors in calling gnokii are assumed to be temporary and are answered
- # with EX_TEMPFAIL=75. Messages with senders (from-space) that don't
- # end in anything in the local domains list are bounced with EX_NOPERM=77.
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Constants for returning status back to postfix.
- # (see sysexits.h for the full list)
- $EX_NOUSER = 67;
- $EX_TEMPFAIL = 75;
- $EX_NOPERM = 77;
- $EX_NOINPUT = 66;
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $sender;
- my $recipient;
- my $message;
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------
- #require 'syslog.pl';
- $myname = "sms-transport";
- $facility = 'mail';
- my $mypid = $$; # global, even when we fork
- #openlog($myname,'cons,pid',$facility);
- sub syslog {
- my ( $level, $msg ) = @_;
- my $pri = $facility . "." . $level;
- $ENV{'HOME'} = "/tmp";
- $ENV{'PATH'} = "";
- $ENV{'BASH_ENV'} = "";
- # the way we're calling system makes it easy to trust $msg
- # as long as it's not too big, so we just untaint it
- if ( $msg =~ /(.*)/s ) {
- $msg = $1;
- }
- else {
- die "Problem with untainting log message\n";
- }
- $msg =~ s/\n/ /g;
- $msg = substr( $msg, 0, 255 )
- if length($msg) > 255;
- system( "/usr/bin/logger", "-p", $pri, "-t", $myname . "[" . $mypid . "]", "--", $msg );
- }
- sub bailout {
- my ( $rc, $msg ) = @_;
- print STDERR "$msg", "\n";
- syslog( 'error', $msg );
- # closelog();
- exit $rc;
- }
- sub check_perms {
- my $sender = lc(shift);
- my $test;
- return 1 unless scalar(%sender_addresses);
- # strip enclosing brackets except for <>
- if ( $sender =~ /<[^>]+>/ ) {
- $sender = $1;
- }
- foreach $test ( keys %sender_addresses ) {
- $test = lc($test);
- if ( $test =~ /\@/ ) {
- # an email address
- return 1
- if $test eq $sender;
- }
- else {
- # a domain
- $sender =~ s/^.*@//;
- if ( $test =~ /^\./ ) {
- # allow subdomains
- return 1
- if $test eq $sender;
- return 1
- if $test eq substr( $sender, -length($test) );
- }
- else {
- # exact match only
- return 1
- if $test eq $sender;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0; # failed
- }
- sub process_email {
- my $in_headers = 1;
- my $msg = "";
- my $subject = "";
- my $sender;
- my $linenum = 0;
- while (<STDIN>) {
- chomp;
- if ($in_headers) {
- # headers
- if ( length($_) == 0 ) {
- $in_headers = 0;
- next;
- }
- if ( $_ =~ /^subject:\s*/ ) {
- $subject = $';
- }
- }
- else {
- # body
- $msg .= "\r\n" if $msg =~ /\S/;
- $msg .= $_;
- }
- last if $linenum++ > 500;
- }
- # no body? return subject
- $msg = $subject if ( !length($msg) );
- return $msg;
- }
- sub send_message {
- my $recipient_num = shift;
- my $message = shift;
- if ( length($message) > $maxsmschars ) {
- syslog( 'info', "Truncated message from " . length($message) . " to " . $maxsmschars . "-3 chars\n" );
- $message = substr( $message, 0, $maxsmschars - 3 ) . "...";
- }
- # gnokii expects message on stdin
- $pid = open( GNOKII, "|-" );
- if ($pid) { # parent
- print GNOKII "$message";
- #open(FILE,">/tmp/testmsg"); print FILE "$message"; close(FILE);
- close GNOKII or bailout( $EX_TEMPFAIL, "Unable to send message to $gnokii_path" );
- }
- else { # child
- ( -x $gnokii_path )
- || bailout( $EX_TEMPFAIL, "Unable to exec $gnokii_path: $!" );
- $ENV{'HOME'} = "/tmp";
- $ENV{'PATH'} = "";
- # force into uucp and lock groups
- # FIXME: should be configurable or automagic
- #my $groups="54 233 14";
- #syslog('info',"Changing groups from [".$(."] to [$groups]");
- #$) = $groups;
- exec( $gnokii_path, "--sendsms", "$recipient_num" )
- || bailout( $EX_TEMPFAIL, "Unable to exec $gnokii_path: $!" );
- # will never get here
- }
- }
- sub clean_message {
- my $msg = shift;
- $msg =~ s/(\r\n)+$//; # remove trailing crlf
- # delete message bits that we don't want
- my $regex;
- my $changed = 0;
- foreach $regex (@msgdel) {
- syslog( 'debug', "Testing if msg [$msg] matches /$regex/" )
- if $debug;
- if ( $msg =~ s/$regex// ) {
- $changed++;
- }
- }
- if ($changed) {
- syslog( 'debug', "Message deletions - new message: [$msg]\n" )
- if $debug;
- }
- return $msg;
- }
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------
- $0 .= "";
- $sender_given = $ARGV[0];
- $recipient_given = $ARGV[1];
- if ( defined($sender_given) and $sender_given =~ /([-A-Za-z0-9_+]+\@[-A-Za-z0-9.]+)/ ) {
- $sender = $1; # now is untainted
- }
- else {
- bailout( $EX_NOUSER, "Sender address not given" )
- if !defined($sender_given);
- bailout( $EX_NOUSER, "Invalid sender address: $sender_given" );
- }
- if ( defined($recipient_given) and $recipient_given =~ /^(\d+)/ ) {
- $recipient = $1; # now is untainted
- }
- else {
- bailout( $EX_NOUSER, "Mobile number not given" )
- if !defined($recipient_given);
- bailout( $EX_NOUSER, "Not a mobile number: <$recipient_given>" );
- exit $EX_NOUSER;
- }
- open( FILE, "<$senders_file" ) or die "Unable to get list of senders from $senders_file: $!\n";
- while (<FILE>) {
- chomp;
- next if /^\s*#/;
- next if /^\s*$/;
- # lines are colon-delimited, like aliases
- my ( $addr, $perm );
- ( $addr, $perm ) = split(/\s*:\s*/);
- next unless defined($addr) and length($addr);
- next unless defined($perm) and length($perm);
- $perm = lc($perm);
- if ( $perm =~ /(permit|deny)/ ) {
- $sender_addresses{$addr} = $1;
- }
- }
- close(FILE);
- if ( open( FILE, "<$msgdel_file" ) ) {
- while (<FILE>) {
- chomp;
- next if /^\s*#/;
- next if /^\s*$/;
- # each line is a regex
- push @msgdel, $_;
- }
- close(FILE);
- syslog( 'debug', "Message deletions read in: " . join( ',', @msgdel ) . "\n" )
- if $debug;
- }
- $message = process_email;
- $message = clean_message($message);
- length($message)
- || bailout( $EX_NOINPUT, "No message body - nothing to send" );
- syslog( 'info', "Said <$sender> to <$recipient>:\n[$message] " . length($message) . " chars\n" );
- if ( !check_perms($sender) ) {
- bailout( $EX_NOPERM, "Permission denied for <$sender>" );
- }
- send_message( $recipient, $message );
- syslog( 'info', "GNOKII sent message OK\n" );
- # ALl OK if it got this far.
- #closelog();
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