El código:
Using perl Syntax Highlighting
- #!usr/bin/perl
- #DH Bomber 0.2
- #Coded By Doddy H
- use Win32::OLE;
- head();
- print "\n[+] Host : ";
- chomp( my $host = <stdin> );
- print "\n[+] Port : ";
- chomp( my $puerto = <stdin> );
- print "\n[+] Username : ";
- chomp( my $username = <stdin> );
- print "\n[+] Password : ";
- chomp( my $password = <stdin> );
- print "\n[+] Count Message : ";
- chomp( my $count = <stdin> );
- print "\n[+] To : ";
- chomp( my $to = <stdin> );
- print "\n[+] Subject : ";
- chomp( my $asunto = <stdin> );
- print "\n[+] Body : ";
- chomp( my $body = <stdin> );
- print "\n[+] File to Send : ";
- chomp( my $file = <stdin> );
- print "\n[+] Starting ...\n\n";
- for my $num ( 1 .. $count ) {
- print "[+] Sending Message : $num\n";
- sendmail(
- $host, $puerto, $username, $password, $username, $username,
- $username, $to, $asunto, $body, $file
- );
- }
- print "\n[+] Finished\n";
- copyright();
- sub head {
- print "\n\n-- == DH Bomber 0.2 == --\n\n";
- }
- sub copyright {
- print "\n\n(C) Doddy Hackman 2013\n\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- sub sendmail {
- ## Function Based on : http://code.activestate.com/lists/pdk/5351/
- ## Credits : Thanks to Phillip Richcreek and Eric Promislow
- my (
- $host, $port, $username, $password, $from, $cc,
- $bcc, $to, $asunto, $mensaje, $file
- ) = @_;
- $correo = Win32::OLE->new('CDO.Message');
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->SetProperty( "Item",
- 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername',
- $username );
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->SetProperty( "Item",
- 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword',
- $password );
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->SetProperty( "Item",
- 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver', $host );
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->SetProperty( "Item",
- 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport',
- $port );
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->SetProperty( "Item",
- 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl', 1 );
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->SetProperty( "Item",
- 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing', 2 );
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->SetProperty( "Item",
- 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate', 1 );
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->Update();
- if ( -f $file ) {
- $correo->AddAttachment($file);
- }
- $correo->{From} = $from;
- $correo->{CC} = $cc;
- $correo->{BCC} = $bcc;
- $correo->{To} = $to;
- $correo->{Subject} = $asunto;
- $correo->{TextBody} = $mensaje;
- $correo->Send();
- }
- # The End ?
Coloreado en 0.004 segundos, usando GeSHi
Y acá les dejo la versión Tk.

El código:
Using perl Syntax Highlighting
- #!usr/bin/perl
- #DH Bomber 0.2
- #Coded By Doddy H
- use Tk;
- use Tk::ROText;
- use Tk::FileSelect;
- use Cwd;
- use Win32::OLE;
- if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
- use Win32::Console;
- Win32::Console::Free();
- }
- my $color_fondo = "black";
- my $color_texto = "white";
- my $ve =
- MainWindow->new( -background => $color_fondo, -foreground => $color_texto );
- $ve->geometry("920x560+20+20");
- $ve->resizable( 0, 0 );
- $ve->title("DH Bomber 0.2 (C) Doddy Hackman 2013");
- $d = $ve->Frame(
- -relief => "sunken",
- -bd => 1,
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- );
- my $ma = $d->Menubutton(
- -text => "Mails",
- -underline => 1,
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -activebackground => $color_texto
- )->pack( -side => "left" );
- my $op = $d->Menubutton(
- -text => "Options",
- -underline => 1,
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -activebackground => $color_texto
- )->pack( -side => "left" );
- my $ab = $d->Menubutton(
- -text => "About",
- -underline => 1,
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -activebackground => $color_texto
- )->pack( -side => "left" );
- my $ex = $d->Menubutton(
- -text => "Exit",
- -underline => 1,
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -activebackground => $color_texto
- )->pack( -side => "left" );
- $d->pack( -side => "top", -fill => "x" );
- $ma->command(
- -label => "Add Mailist",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -command => \&addmailist
- );
- $ma->command(
- -label => "Add Mail",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -command => \&addmail
- );
- $ma->command(
- -label => "Clean List",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -command => \&delist
- );
- $op->command(
- -label => "Spam Now",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -command => \&spamnow
- );
- $op->command(
- -label => "Add Attachment",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -command => \&addfile
- );
- $op->command(
- -label => "Clean All",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -command => \&clean
- );
- $ab->command(
- -label => "About",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -command => \&about
- );
- $ex->command(
- -label => "Exit",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -command => \&chali
- );
- $ve->Label(
- -text => "Gmail Login",
- -font => "Impact3",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -x => 100, -y => 40 );
- $ve->Label(
- -text => "Username : ",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -x => 20, -y => 80 );
- my $user = $ve->Entry(
- -width => 30,
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -y => 83, -x => 85 );
- $ve->Label(
- -text => "Password : ",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -x => 20, -y => 120 );
- my $pass = $ve->Entry(
- -show => "*",
- -width => 30,
- -text => 'Secret',
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -y => 123, -x => 85 );
- $ve->Label(
- -text => "Message",
- -font => "Impact3",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -x => 110, -y => 160 );
- $ve->Label(
- -text => "Number : ",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -x => 20, -y => 210 );
- my $number = $ve->Entry(
- -width => 5,
- -text => "1",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -x => 75, -y => 212 );
- $ve->Label(
- -text => "Attachment : ",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -x => 20, -y => 240 );
- my $fi = $ve->Entry(
- -text => 'None',
- -width => 30,
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -x => 90, -y => 242 );
- $ve->Label(
- -text => "Subject : ",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -x => 20, -y => 270 );
- my $tema = $ve->Entry(
- -text => "Hi idiot",
- -width => 20,
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -x => 73, -y => 273 );
- $ve->Label(
- -text => "Body",
- -font => "Impact3",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -x => 110, -y => 310 );
- my $body = $ve->Scrolled(
- "Text",
- -width => 30,
- -height => 12,
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -scrollbars => "e"
- )->place( -x => 45, -y => 350 );
- $body->insert( "end", "Welcome to the hell" );
- $ve->Label(
- -text => "Mailist",
- -font => "Impact3",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -y => 40, -x => 400 );
- my $mailist = $ve->Listbox(
- -height => 31,
- -width => 33,
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -y => 85, -x => 330 );
- $ve->Label(
- -text => "Console",
- -font => "Impact3",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- )->place( -y => 40, -x => 685 );
- my $console = $ve->Scrolled(
- "ROText",
- -width => 40,
- -height => 31,
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -scrollbars => "e"
- )->place( -x => 580, -y => 84 );
- MainLoop;
- sub addmailist {
- my $adda = MainWindow->new(
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- );
- $adda->geometry("400x90+20+20");
- $adda->resizable( 0, 0 );
- $adda->title("Add Mailist");
- $adda->Label(
- -text => "Mailist : ",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -font => "Impact1"
- )->place( -x => 10, -y => 30 );
- my $en = $adda->Entry(
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -width => 33
- )->place( -y => 33, -x => 75 );
- $adda->Button(
- -text => "Browse",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -width => 7,
- -activebackground => $color_texto,
- -command => \&brona
- )->place( -y => 33, -x => 285 );
- $adda->Button(
- -text => "Load",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -width => 7,
- -activebackground => $color_texto,
- -command => \&bronaxa
- )->place( -y => 33, -x => 340 );
- sub brona {
- $browse = $adda->FileSelect( -directory => getcwd() );
- my $file = $browse->Show;
- $en->configure( -text => $file );
- }
- sub bronaxa {
- open( FILE, $en->get );
- @words = <FILE>;
- close FILE;
- for (@words) {
- $mailist->insert( "end", $_ );
- }
- }
- }
- sub addfile {
- my $addax = MainWindow->new(
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- );
- $addax->geometry("390x90+20+20");
- $addax->resizable( 0, 0 );
- $addax->title("Add File");
- $addax->Label(
- -text => "File : ",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -font => "Impact1"
- )->place( -x => 10, -y => 30 );
- my $enaf = $addax->Entry(
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -width => 33
- )->place( -y => 33, -x => 55 );
- $addax->Button(
- -text => "Browse",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -width => 7,
- -activebackground => $color_texto,
- -command => \&bronax
- )->place( -y => 33, -x => 265 );
- $addax->Button(
- -text => "Load",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -width => 7,
- -activebackground => $color_texto,
- -command => \&bronaxx
- )->place( -y => 33, -x => 320 );
- sub bronax {
- $browse = $addax->FileSelect( -directory => getcwd() );
- my $filea = $browse->Show;
- $enaf->configure( -text => $filea );
- }
- sub bronaxx {
- $fi->configure( -text => $enaf->get );
- }
- }
- sub addmail {
- my $add = MainWindow->new(
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto
- );
- $add->geometry("350x90+20+20");
- $add->resizable( 0, 0 );
- $add->title("Add Mail");
- $add->Label(
- -text => "Mail : ",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -font => "Impact1"
- )->place( -x => 10, -y => 30 );
- my $ew = $add->Entry(
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -width => 33
- )->place( -y => 33, -x => 60 );
- $add->Button(
- -text => "Add",
- -background => $color_fondo,
- -activebackground => $color_texto,
- -foreground => $color_texto,
- -width => 7,
- -command => \&addnow
- )->place( -y => 33, -x => 275 );
- sub addnow {
- $mailist->insert( "end", $ew->get );
- }
- }
- sub delist {
- $mailist->delete( 0.0, "end" );
- }
- sub spamnow {
- $console->delete( 0.1, "end" );
- $console->insert( "end", "[+] Starting the Party\n\n" );
- my @mails = $mailist->get( "0.0", "end" );
- chomp @mails;
- for my $mail (@mails) {
- my $text = $body->get( "1.0", "end" );
- if ( $fi->get eq "None" ) {
- for ( 1 .. $number->get ) {
- $ve->update;
- $console->insert( "end",
- "[+] Mail Number " . $_ . " to $mail\n" );
- sendmail(
- "smtp.gmail.com", "465",
- $user->get, $pass->get,
- $user->get, $user->get,
- $user->get, $mail,
- $tema->get, $text,
- ""
- );
- }
- }
- else {
- for ( 1 .. $number->get ) {
- $ve->update;
- $console->insert( "end",
- "[+] Mail Number " . $_ . " to $mail\n" );
- sendmail(
- "smtp.gmail.com", "465",
- $user->get, $pass->get,
- $user->get, $user->get,
- $user->get, $mail,
- $tema->get, $text,
- $fi->get
- );
- }
- }
- }
- $console->insert( "end", "\n\n[+] Finished" );
- }
- sub clean {
- $user->configure( -text => " " );
- $pass->configure( -text => " " );
- $number->configure( -text => " " );
- $fi->configure( -text => "None" );
- $tema->configure( -text => " " );
- $body->delete( 0.1, "end" );
- $mailist->delete( 0.0, "end" );
- $console->delete( 0.1, "end" );
- }
- sub about {
- $about = MainWindow->new( -background => "black" );
- $about->title("About");
- $about->geometry("300x110");
- $about->resizable( 0, 0 );
- $about->Label( -background => "black", -foreground => "white" )->pack();
- $about->Label(
- -text => "Contact : lepuke[at]hotmail[com]",
- -font => "Impact",
- -background => "black",
- -foreground => "white"
- )->pack();
- $about->Label(
- -text => "Web : doddyhackman.webcindario.com",
- -font => "Impact",
- -background => "black",
- -foreground => "white"
- )->pack();
- $about->Label(
- -text => "Blog : doddy-hackman.blogspot.com",
- -font => "Impact",
- -background => "black",
- -foreground => "white"
- )->pack();
- }
- sub chali { exit(1); }
- sub sendmail {
- ## Function Based on : http://code.activestate.com/lists/pdk/5351/
- ## Credits : Thanks to Phillip Richcreek and Eric Promislow
- my (
- $host, $port, $username, $password, $from, $cc,
- $bcc, $to, $asunto, $mensaje, $file
- ) = @_;
- $correo = Win32::OLE->new('CDO.Message');
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->SetProperty( "Item",
- 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername',
- $username );
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->SetProperty( "Item",
- 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword',
- $password );
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->SetProperty( "Item",
- 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver', $host );
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->SetProperty( "Item",
- 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport',
- $port );
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->SetProperty( "Item",
- 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl', 1 );
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->SetProperty( "Item",
- 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing', 2 );
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->SetProperty( "Item",
- 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate', 1 );
- $correo->Configuration->Fields->Update();
- if ( -f $file ) {
- $correo->AddAttachment($file);
- }
- $correo->{From} = $from;
- $correo->{CC} = $cc;
- $correo->{BCC} = $bcc;
- $correo->{To} = $to;
- $correo->{Subject} = $asunto;
- $correo->{TextBody} = $mensaje;
- $correo->Send();
- }
- #The End ?
Coloreado en 0.010 segundos, usando GeSHi