# Include current script directory in the module path (needed on Microsoft IIS).
# This allows this script to work by copying ChartDirector to the same directory
# as the script (as an alternative to installation in Perl module directory)
use File::Basename;
use lib dirname($0);
use perlchartdir;
# The data for the chart
my $data = [40, 15, 7, 5, 2];
# The labels for the chart
my $labels = ["Hard Disk", "PCB", "Printer", "CDROM", "Keyboard"];
# Create a XYChart object of size 400 x 225 pixels. Use golden background color, with
# a 2 pixel 3D border.
my $c = new XYChart(400, 225, perlchartdir::goldColor(), -1, 2);
# Add a title box using Arial Bold/11 pt font. Set the background color to metallic
# blue (9999FF). Use a 1 pixel 3D border.
$c->addTitle("Hardware Defects", "arialbd.ttf", 11)->setBackground(
perlchartdir::metalColor(0x9999ff), -1, 1);
# Set the plotarea at (50, 40) and of 300 x 150 pixels in size, with a silver
# background color.
$c->setPlotArea(50, 40, 300, 150, perlchartdir::silverColor());
# Add a line layer for the pareto line
my $lineLayer = $c->addLineLayer();
# Compute the pareto line by accumulating the data
my $lineData = new ArrayMath($data);
# Set a scaling factor such as the maximum point of the line is scaled to 100
my $scaleFactor = 100 / $lineData->max();
# Add the pareto line using the scaled data. Use deep blue (0x80) as the line color,
# with light blue (0x9999ff) diamond symbols
$lineLayer->addDataSet($lineData->mul2($scaleFactor)->result(), 0x000080
)->setDataSymbol($perlchartdir::DiamondSymbol, 9, 0x9999ff);
# Set the line width to 2 pixel
# Add a multi-color bar layer using the given data.
my $barLayer = $c->addBarLayer3($data);
# Bind the layer to the secondary (right) y-axis.
# Set soft lighting for the bars with light direction from the right
$barLayer->setBorderColor($perlchartdir::Transparent, perlchartdir::softLighting(
# Set the labels on the x axis.
# Set the primary y-axis scale as 0 - 100 with a tick every 20 units
$c->yAxis()->setLinearScale(0, 100, 20);
# Set the label format of the y-axis label to include a percentage sign
# Add a title to the secondary y-axis
# Set the secondary y-axis label foramt to show no decimal point
# Set the relationship between the two y-axes, which only differ by a scaling factor
$c->syncYAxis(1 / $scaleFactor);
# Output the chart
print "Content-type: image/png\n\n";
print $c->makeChart2($perlchartdir::PNG);