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Primera herramienta bioinformática escrita en Raku

Perl aplicado a la bioinformática

Primera herramienta bioinformática escrita en Raku

Notapor explorer » 2022-01-14 19:30 @854

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We are proud to annouce the first bioinformatics tool that is written in the Raku language and published in a peer-reviewed journal:

BepiTBR: T-B reciprocity enhances B cell epitope prediction

The ability to predict B cell epitopes is critical for biomedical research and many clinical applications. Investigators have observed the phenomenon of T-B reciprocity, in which candidate B cell epitopes with nearby CD4+ T-cell epitopes have higher chances of being immunogenic. To our knowledge, existing B cell epitope prediction algorithms have not considered this interesting observation. We developed a linear B cell epitope prediction model, BepiTBR, based on T-B reciprocity. We showed that explicitly including the enrichment of putative CD4+ T-cell epitopes (predicted HLA class II epitopes) in the model leads to significant enhancement in the prediction of linear B cell epitopes. Curiously, the positive impact on B cell epitope generation is specific to the enrichment of DQ allele binders. Overall, our work provides interesting mechanistic insights into the generation of B cell epitopes and points to a new avenue to improve B cell epitope prediction for the field.

(La referencia aparece en la página 23 del PDF, como una de las herramientas utilizadas para el análisis estadístico).
JF^D Perl programming & Raku programming. Grupo en Telegram: https://t.me/Perl_ES
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