Recién instalé el CAM::DBF para probarlo. He hecho un script con todos los "Instance Methods"; algunos van bien pero otros me dan resultados extraños como: ARRAY(0x100a26dc) lo da esta instrucción:
Using perl Syntax Highlighting
#Return a record as a reference to an array of fields.
#Row numbers count from zero.
my $recordtoarray = $dbf->fetchrow_arrayref(0);
#Row numbers count from zero.
my $recordtoarray = $dbf->fetchrow_arrayref(0);
Coloreado en 0.004 segundos, usando GeSHi
también esta:
Using perl Syntax Highlighting
#Return a record as a reference to a hash of (field name = field value)> pairs. Row numbers count from zero.
my $recordtohash = $dbf->fetchrow_hashref(0);
my $recordtohash = $dbf->fetchrow_hashref(0);
Coloreado en 0.001 segundos, usando GeSHi
me da
- Código: Seleccionar todo
Hasta donde sé, deberían aparecer los campos de la BD, ¿no es así?
¿Me pueden ayudar con este tema? ¿Qué hago para extraer los datos de la de BD?
Saludos y gracias ¿eh?
Por si vale de algo les copio abajo el script tal cual lo ejecuto:
Using perl Syntax Highlighting
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CAM::DBF;
# abre la DBF en el modo de lectura
my $dbf = CAM::DBF->new("test.dbf", 'r');
#Return the number of columns in the data table.
my $fields = $dbf->nfields();
#Return a list of field header names.
my $names = $dbf->fieldnames();
#Return a record as a reference to an array of fields.
#Row numbers count from zero.
my $recordtoarray = $dbf->fetchrow_arrayref(0);
#Return a record as a reference to a hash of (field name = field value)> pairs.
#Row numbers count from zero.
my $recordtohash = $dbf->fetchrow_hashref(0);
my $arrayref = $dbf->fetchrows_arrayref(1, 6);
print "$dbf\n";
for ($i = 0; $i <= 5; $i++) {
#Return a the title of the specified column. $i
# can be a column name or number.
#Column numbers count from zero.
my $nameofthecolumns = $dbf->fieldname($i);
#Return the dBASE field type for the specified column.
#$i can be a column name or number. Column numbers
#count from zero.
my $fieldtype = $dbf->fieldtype($i);
#Return the byte width for the specified column. $i
#can be a column name or number.
#Column numbers count from zero.
my $bytewidth = $dbf->fieldlength($i);
#print "Field $i is called: $nameofthecolumns the type is: ".
# "$fieldtype and his byte width is $bytewidth\n";
use CAM::DBF;
# abre la DBF en el modo de lectura
my $dbf = CAM::DBF->new("test.dbf", 'r');
#Return the number of columns in the data table.
my $fields = $dbf->nfields();
#Return a list of field header names.
my $names = $dbf->fieldnames();
#Return a record as a reference to an array of fields.
#Row numbers count from zero.
my $recordtoarray = $dbf->fetchrow_arrayref(0);
#Return a record as a reference to a hash of (field name = field value)> pairs.
#Row numbers count from zero.
my $recordtohash = $dbf->fetchrow_hashref(0);
my $arrayref = $dbf->fetchrows_arrayref(1, 6);
print "$dbf\n";
for ($i = 0; $i <= 5; $i++) {
#Return a the title of the specified column. $i
# can be a column name or number.
#Column numbers count from zero.
my $nameofthecolumns = $dbf->fieldname($i);
#Return the dBASE field type for the specified column.
#$i can be a column name or number. Column numbers
#count from zero.
my $fieldtype = $dbf->fieldtype($i);
#Return the byte width for the specified column. $i
#can be a column name or number.
#Column numbers count from zero.
my $bytewidth = $dbf->fieldlength($i);
#print "Field $i is called: $nameofthecolumns the type is: ".
# "$fieldtype and his byte width is $bytewidth\n";
Coloreado en 0.002 segundos, usando GeSHi