Thread::Pool::new passed bad attribute name 'HASH(0x1b82874)' at C:\ line 54
EL codigo del script es el siguiente...
Using perl Syntax Highlighting
# [SA]proxycheck, multi cheker proksei
# Usage :
# ./ --input=in.txt --output=out.txt [--url=http://your/proxytest.php] [--threads=100]
# Example : ./ -i rawlist.txt -o goodlist.txt
# -taking part spisokproxei and :
# -requests to the script currently
# -checks result (you type kodirovano base64)
# maintains output (results)
# uses Thread::Pool for fast results
# default URL used to request (there must be some)
our $testurl = "";
# modules that we use
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Date::Format;
use Thread::Pool;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use MIME::Base64;
# Options commandna line
my $input = "";
my $output = "";
my $threads = 100;
GetOptions (
'input|i=s' => \$input
,'output|o=s' => \$output
,'threads|t=i' => \$threads
,'url|u=s' => \$testurl
die ("Use: ./ --input=in.txt --output=out.txt [--url=http://your/proxytest.php] [--threads=100]\n") if $input eq "" || $output eq "";
# Validating your incoming data
die ("Input file \"$input\" not found!\n") unless -e $input;
# Cleaning output file header installation
open(OUT, ">$output") or die ("Unable to open \"$output\" input file");
my $gentime = time2str("%c", time);
print OUT "# Generated at $gentime by [SA]proxycheck \n";
close OUT;
print "Using $testurl for proxy checking...\n";
print "Starting $input -> $output job with $threads workers:\n";
my %resolved : shared;
my $pool = Thread::Pool->new(
workers => $threads,
do => \&do,
monitor => \&monitor,
open(IN, $input);
while(my $line = <IN>)
chomp $line;
# check proxy
# IN: 1 proxy to check (iport)
sub do {
my $testproxy = shift;
# build the LAWP request
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060508 Firefox/");
$ua->proxy(['http'] => 'http://' . $testproxy);
my $verify = time;
my $req = POST $testurl, [ check => "$verify"];
my $res = $ua->request($req);
if ($res->is_success)
my $content = $res->content;
(my $security, my $type) = split("\t", decode_base64($content));
$security = decode_base64($security);
$type = decode_base64($type);
if($verify == $security && $type eq "strong")
print "$testproxy\tFOUND PROXY\n";
return $testproxy;
else {
print "$testproxy\tsecurity failed: $verify != $security or bad type $type\n";
return 0;
print "$testproxy\tquery failed\n";
return 0;
} #do
# IN: 1 working proxy (iport)
sub monitor {
open(OUT, ">>$output");
print OUT $_[0] . "\n";
close OUT;
} #monitor
# [SA]proxycheck, multi cheker proksei
# Usage :
# ./ --input=in.txt --output=out.txt [--url=http://your/proxytest.php] [--threads=100]
# Example : ./ -i rawlist.txt -o goodlist.txt
# -taking part spisokproxei and :
# -requests to the script currently
# -checks result (you type kodirovano base64)
# maintains output (results)
# uses Thread::Pool for fast results
# default URL used to request (there must be some)
our $testurl = "";
# modules that we use
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Date::Format;
use Thread::Pool;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use MIME::Base64;
# Options commandna line
my $input = "";
my $output = "";
my $threads = 100;
GetOptions (
'input|i=s' => \$input
,'output|o=s' => \$output
,'threads|t=i' => \$threads
,'url|u=s' => \$testurl
die ("Use: ./ --input=in.txt --output=out.txt [--url=http://your/proxytest.php] [--threads=100]\n") if $input eq "" || $output eq "";
# Validating your incoming data
die ("Input file \"$input\" not found!\n") unless -e $input;
# Cleaning output file header installation
open(OUT, ">$output") or die ("Unable to open \"$output\" input file");
my $gentime = time2str("%c", time);
print OUT "# Generated at $gentime by [SA]proxycheck \n";
close OUT;
print "Using $testurl for proxy checking...\n";
print "Starting $input -> $output job with $threads workers:\n";
my %resolved : shared;
my $pool = Thread::Pool->new(
workers => $threads,
do => \&do,
monitor => \&monitor,
open(IN, $input);
while(my $line = <IN>)
chomp $line;
# check proxy
# IN: 1 proxy to check (iport)
sub do {
my $testproxy = shift;
# build the LAWP request
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060508 Firefox/");
$ua->proxy(['http'] => 'http://' . $testproxy);
my $verify = time;
my $req = POST $testurl, [ check => "$verify"];
my $res = $ua->request($req);
if ($res->is_success)
my $content = $res->content;
(my $security, my $type) = split("\t", decode_base64($content));
$security = decode_base64($security);
$type = decode_base64($type);
if($verify == $security && $type eq "strong")
print "$testproxy\tFOUND PROXY\n";
return $testproxy;
else {
print "$testproxy\tsecurity failed: $verify != $security or bad type $type\n";
return 0;
print "$testproxy\tquery failed\n";
return 0;
} #do
# IN: 1 working proxy (iport)
sub monitor {
open(OUT, ">>$output");
print OUT $_[0] . "\n";
close OUT;
} #monitor
Coloreado en 0.006 segundos, usando GeSHi
Gracias de antemano.