Using perl Syntax Highlighting
on 1:TEXT:!topic:#:{
if (!%topic. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { describe # $nick -> No topic set. }
else { describe # Topic: $qt(%topic. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) }
; Set New Topic
on 1:TEXT:!topic *:#:{
; Checks to see if I am an op and the user is an op.
; If the user's name is the same as the channel, it will also work.
if ($me isop # && (($nick isop #) || ($nick isin #))) {
set %topic. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $2- - (changed $nick $+ )
describe # [topic changed $nick $+] %topic.
if (!%topic. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { describe # $nick -> No topic set. }
else { describe # Topic: $qt(%topic. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) }
; Set New Topic
on 1:TEXT:!topic *:#:{
; Checks to see if I am an op and the user is an op.
; If the user's name is the same as the channel, it will also work.
if ($me isop # && (($nick isop #) || ($nick isin #))) {
set %topic. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $2- - (changed $nick $+ )
describe # [topic changed $nick $+] %topic.
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