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The Perl Conference 2021 in the Cloud

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The Perl Conference 2021 in the Cloud

Notapor explorer » 2021-07-10 11:43 @530

Los pasados días 8 a 10 de junio se celebró «The Perl and Raku Conference in the Cloud», donde se mostró la actualidad de Perl y Raku.

Ya están disponibles los 56 vídeos.

Conference Opening
perlimports or "Where did that symbol come from?" - Olaf Alders
Raku, the Big - Bruce Gray
Discoverability and Composability: Writing an ECS for Fun and Profit - José Joaquín Atria
Exploring Text-Based Protocols - Joel Berger
Dist::Zilla and My Bundle - Dave Rolsky
Local dev setup for a complex app using docker-compose - Thomas Klausner
Refactoring your EXPORTS: Rescuing a client from global-variable-hell - Steven Lembark
Raku syntax I miss in other languages - Leon Timmermans
Introduction to Perl Data Types - William N. Braswell, Jr.
Making Life Better with Software - Joelle Maslak
Generating Rust from C with Perl - Dave Rolsky (lightning talk)
meta cpan theme - lnation (lightning talk)
My big year of Github Actions - tib (lightning talk)
Open Food Facts - Stéphane (lightning talk)
Programming Lessons from Conlangs - Daniel (lightning talk)
Space - Chris Jack (lightning talk)
TPF Summer Activities - Makoto and Jmac/Jason (lightning talk)
Elasticsearch Data Exploration in Your Terminal - Brad Lhotsky
The Irregularity of Regular Expressions - Jordan Adler
Well Formed Catalyst - John Napiorkowski
Sequential Consistency & Perl & perl - B. Estrade
Sequential Consistency & perl & Perl - Part 2 - B. Estrade
What's new in Perl? - Ricardo Signes
Life after Perl (and Raku) - Peter Sergeant
What should I do to run a Plack application on a server? - E. Choroba
Answering questions about CPAN that nobody asked - Thibault Duponchelle
A tour of Perl's new documentation style guide - Jason McIntosh
What To Say When They Tell You Perl Sucks!! (Debunking Perl myths) - Pritesh Ugrankar
PipPresents: Octology in 2021 - Pillip Stuart
The Perl Foundation update and Q&A
German Perl Workshop 2022 in Leipzing - Max Maischein (lightning talk)
Unite the Etherium Test Networks - Konstantin Narkhov (lightning talk)
Asynchronously Parallelish Testing in Raku with Test::Async - Vadim Belman (lightning talk)
Perl and Multithreading via OpenMP - B Estrade (lighting talk)
Blogging Outside the Bubble: How to Raise your Profile & Promote Perl -Mark Gardner (lightning talk)
Mistakes not to be Made in Slide Talks - Paul LeoNerd Evans.(lighting talk)
Rummaging in the clOOset - Curtis “Ovid” Poe
Rescue and renew: how to get legacy open source projects unstuck - Sumana Harihareswara
Functional programming with Raku - Juan Julián Merelo Guervós
Getting Really Testy With Perl: Unit testing 45_000 modules - Steven Lembark
Even You Can Release Perl - Max Maischein
Machine Learning In Pure Perl - William N. Braswell, Jr.
Valiant - Heroic validations for Moo and DBIC classes - John Napiorkowski
Perl's Amazing Time Machine - Paul Evans
Cross-platform native GUIs: {trade,pay}offs, {integra,distribu}tion - Zaki Mughal
Koha - Thomas Klausner
How to make Perl more welcoming to beginners - Andrew Solomon
Look, ma, no containers! Workflow automation in Perl - Juan Julián Merelo Guervós
Our shared vision of Perl - Andrew Solomon
Cryptographically agile password hashing with Crypt::Passphrase - Leon Timmermans (lightning talk)
Arithmetic Operations on Parallel Data Structures in Perl - Joseph Brenner (lightning talk)
Épée - A work in progress Framework for Raku - Daniel Sockwell (lightning talk)
Welcome to the New People - Bruce Gray (lightning talk)
Perl is Shiny - Nicolas Mendoza (lightning talk)
Thank you for Coming - See you in Houston Next Year - Todd Rinaldo
JF^D Perl programming & Raku programming. Grupo en Telegram: https://t.me/Perl_ES
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