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The Perl Conference EU 2018, en Glasgow

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The Perl Conference EU 2018, en Glasgow

Notapor explorer » 2018-08-15 07:35 @357

Ha comenzado la transmisión de las conferencias en The Perl Conference EU 2018, en GlasGow, en el canal de Shadowcat Systems:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCItnhd ... cfThbg3dxw
JF^D Perl programming & Raku programming. Grupo en Telegram: https://t.me/Perl_ES
Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 14488
Registrado: 2005-07-24 18:12 @800
Ubicación: Valladolid, España


Re: The Perl Conference EU 2018, en Glasgow

Notapor explorer » 2018-11-03 16:06 @712

Ya están publicados los vídeos de la conferencia europea de este año en Glasgow.


cPanel Theatre

‎Discourse Without Drama‎ - Ruth Holloway (‎GeekRuthie‎)
‎When diff is not enough - H.Merijn Brand (‎Tux‎)
‎Types in JSON‎ - Choroba
‎Language design in a Perl without Larry‎ - Leon Timmermans (‎leont‎)
‎How Geizhals took out ImageMagick before ImageMagick took *us* out - Nicholas Clark
‎Rescuing a Legacy Codebase‎ - Curtis Poe (‎Ovid‎)
‎Perl, Caching, and Memory Leaks‎ - Lee Johnson
‎Lightning Talks Day 1‎

Zoopla Theatre

The JobCenter, an Orchestration Workflow Engine‎ - Wieger Opmeer (‎a6502‎)
A bag of mojo sweets‎ - Diego Kuperman (‎diegok‎)
‎How to join CPAN Pull Request Challange‎ - Kivanc Yazan
‎TPF Update‎ - Makoto Nozaki (‎makoto‎)
10 things I've learned working with Perl 6 documentation‎ - Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós (‎jmerelo‎)
‎Building a concurrent version control system mirroring CVS and Git‎ - Ben Edwards

Pirum Theatre

‎European Perl Mongers Organiser's Forum 2018‎ - Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎)
‎Where am I now, Really? A novel use of decompilation‎ - Rocky Bernstein
A gdb-like debugger for Perl5‎ - Rocky Bernstein
‎Domain driven development with Context::Singleton‎ - Branislav Zahradník
‎Writing efficient XS‎ - Sergey Aleynikov (‎randir‎)
Perl 6 in Real Life $Work‎ - Laurent Rosenfeld (‎lolo78‎)


cPanel Theatre

Webframeworkless Async API‎ - Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎)
‎Git Tips & Tricks‎ - Tina Müller (‎tinita‎)
Building a web app with Perl 6 and Cro‎ - Lance Wicks
TestML – Data Driven Testing for Perl 5, Perl 6 and beyond‎ - Ingy döt Net (‎ingy‎)
‎WebDriver Integration Testing With Perl‎ - Tom Hukins
Vue.js for Perl hackers‎ - Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎)
‎Lightning Talks Day 2

Zoopla Theatre

Hardening Perl 6's Hash Implementation Against Attack‎ - Samantha McVey (‎samcv‎)
‎Errors for Humans‎ - André Walker
YAML::PP - Just another YAML Module?‎ - Tina Müller (‎tinita‎)
‎Perl6: Signatures, Types and Multimethods‎ - Simon Proctor (‎Scimon‎)
zsh for the mongers‎ - marc chantreux (‎eiro‎)
Let them learn Perl on the job?‎ - Andrew Solomon (‎illy‎)
more Perl Web frameworks for the TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks‎ - Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ 迪拉斯 (‎daxim‎)
I'm a Republican, Honest!‎ - Dave Cross (‎davorg‎)

Pirum Theatre

back to perl‎ - marc chantreux (‎eiro‎)
Releasing a Perl 6 Module‎ - Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎)
How to become CPAN contributor?‎ - Mohammad Anwar (‎manwar‎)
‎Building Privacy In‎ - John Lightsey (‎J.D.‎)
The Perl Advent Calendar 2017 Redux‎ - Mark Fowler (‎Trelane‎)
Managing PostgreSQL stored procedures as application code‎ - Wieger Opmeer (‎a6502‎)
Turning humans into developers with Perl‎ - Julien Fiegehenn (‎simbabque‎)
How to fix your code by coding the fixer‎ - Kang-min Liu (‎gugod‎)


cPanel Theatre

‎Docker for Perl developers‎ - Wesley Schwengle (‎waterkip‎)
‎You’re Not Wanted Here! (How design decisions can make your application discriminatory) - Joelle Maslak
Fatpack it! Full featured Perl apps in a single file‎ - Andrew Rodland (‎hobbs‎)
‎Effective Perl Shop - a Culture Primer‎ - Nicholas Wehr
‎Tower of Babble - Extending and transforming perl‎ - Matt S Trout (‎mst‎)
The Future of Perl 5 and 6‎ - Curtis Poe (‎Ovid‎)
Lightning Talks Day 3

Zoopla Theatre

‎Concurrent evolutionary algorithms with Perl 6‎ - Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós (‎jmerelo‎)
Writing a Perl 6 Module‎ - Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎)
Find and fix your web security vulnerabilities with Burp Scanner‎ - Lee Johnson
Putting the 'Open' In Open Source Events‎ - Ruth Holloway (‎GeekRuthie‎)
Apache in Pure Perl‎ - Mark Overmeer (‎markov‎)

Pirum Theatre

The Future Of Perl Is Here‎ - Elizabeth Mattijsen (‎liz‎)
Lua by the eyes of Perl developer‎ - Ilya Chesnokov (‎ichesnokov‎)
sqitch (App::Sqitch) – sane database change management‎ - Dan Muey
Developers, engineers and the downward spiral‎ - Christopher Rasch-Olsen Raa
‎Reading CPAN / Finding Modules‎ - Max Maischein (‎Corion‎)
JF^D Perl programming & Raku programming. Grupo en Telegram: https://t.me/Perl_ES
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Mensajes: 14488
Registrado: 2005-07-24 18:12 @800
Ubicación: Valladolid, España

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